Hello fellow squatters! Okay, that sounded all kinds of weird. But how has the Booty challenge been going? We are at day 17 now, which is 170 squats today. We've gone more than halfway through the month! I'm pretty proud of all those who have been doing the challenge.
People have been sharing their pains and successes with me daily on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and it has been amazing. Thanks to all who are participating. I really hope the strength you get from this month's challenge helps you as you push through your workouts every day going forward.
It is more of a mental challenge than a physical one. You see high numbers and either give up or push forward. You start at 1 and see how far you can go before you quit every day. Your mind gives up way before your body does usually because when you have gone through the day's challenge, if you were pretty honest, your body can take more.
So the real challenge is to work on your mind. But don't forget that your posture is also very very important so you don't hurt your knees. Remember:
- Knees above your ankles, not your toes;
- Push your weight back into your bum, not forward into your knees;
- Try to push yourself lower and bring your knees closer. But if you feel it in your knees, widen your feet.
- Your knees should not be falling inward or outward. Keep them straight above your ankles.
- Keep your upper body as straight as possible (shoulders back), and keep your abs tight.
- Tighten your butt muscles as you come up for that extra oomph.
Cheers Eights & Weights!
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