Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nigerian Blog Awards 2012 - Nominate!

The Nigerian Blog Awards are under way again :) Yes, that means it's time to nominate your favorite Nigerian blogs. Not just this one, but yes mostly this one...

Click on the image below for the link:

Here are a few suggestions on what you should nominate us for. Nominations close September 23rd.
Best Cause Blog: Blog about raising awareness for a particular cause, such as a medical condition or a political movement.
Best Fitness or Health Blog: Blog that focuses on healthy living, exercise, or wellness.
Best Tutorial Blog: Blog that focuses on teaching its readers through the use of step-by-step instructions.
Nigerian Blog of the Year: Best overall blog by a Nigerian or best blog with a strong focus on any aspect of Nigeria.

No, we do not win any prizes, and neither do you. But we do win the satisfaction of knowing you love us and recognize how hard we are working to get you the tools you need to be successful in your fitness program. So if you love Eights & Weights, nominate us. We really do appreciate it :)

If you want suggestions of other blogs to nominate. Let me know and I'll be sure to share.

Cheers Eights & Weights!

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