Friday, September 28, 2012

Need Some Help Eating Healthy on a Budget?

Recently, I've heard people make so many comments about eating healthy or eating natural and how expensive it is. But simply because restaurants charge you double when they put the word 'Organic' or 'Fit' beside a menu item does not mean you cannot still eat healthy on a budget. How do you do it?

I found this article on the U.S. Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion website on how you can use the 3Ps principle to eat healthier for cheaper. To access the whole article, visit the site here:

  • Plan meals and snacks for the week according to an established budget.
  • Find quick and easy recipes online.
  • Include meals that will “stretch” expensive food items (stews, casseroles,stir‐fried dishes).
  • Make a grocery list.
  • Check for sales and coupons in the local paper or online and consider discount stores.
  • Ask about a loyalty card at your grocery store.

  • Buy groceries when you are not hungry and when you are not too rushed.
  • Stick to the grocery list and stay out of the aisles that don’t contain items on your list.
  • Buy store brands if cheaper.
  • Find and compare unit prices listed on shelves to get the best price.
  • Purchase some items in bulk or as family packs which usually cost less.
  • Choose fresh fruits and vegetables in season; buy canned vegetables with less salt.
  • Pre‐cut fruits and vegetables, individual cups of yogurt, and instant rice and hot cereal are convenient, but usually cost more than those that require a bit more prep time.
  • Good low‐cost items available all year include:
    • Protein — beans (garbanzo, black, cannellini)
    • Vegetables — carrots, greens, potatoes
    • Fruit — apples, bananas

  • Some meal items can be prepared in advance; pre‐cook on days when you have time.
  • Double or triple up on recipes and freeze meal‐sized containers of soups and casseroles or divide into individual portions.
  • Try a few meatless meals by substituting with beans and peas or try “no‐cook” meals like salads.
  • Incorporate leftovers into a subsequent meal.
  • Be creative with a fruit or vegetable and use it in different ways during the week.

I think these are great tips we can all implement. Print out the sample plate below, stick it on your fridge or put it in your purse to remind you of your meal targets.

Cheers Eights & Weights!

Photo credit:,

1 comment:

  1. You should even consider looking in to They have several dietary guidelines and a few different food pyramids. You can even find info on the old MyPyramid as well.


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